
One side benefit of being mildly OCD is having a a terrifically organized music collection. But after a few years, even my well-manicured CD towers have crumbled into heaps of neglect. Not to mention half my collection is on vinyl, with another large portion segregated for DJ-use only. With the upcoming trip I realized we needed tunes- and not the same two dozen CDs sliding around underneath the driver’s seat. Thank Apollo (the god of music, duh) I found TuneUp!

TuneUp is a stand-alone app that cleans, finds lost cover art and generally sorts out your entire digital music collection. This is a big deal for mixtape lovers like me who inevitably end up with a ton of tracks labeled 01, 02, etc. TuneUp fixes those. Sick of seeing the generic gray iTunes coverflow image? TuneUp not only queries the Gracenote database, it also crawls the web for artwork. I gotta say it’s hard to stump too- I threw some pretty obscure material at it and it rarely failed.

Anyway all this is assuming you actually have music in your iTunes, which I didn’t. I had like, 200 MP3s tops. Now I’m slightly embarrassed but mostly stoked to report that after digitizing my entire CD collection (did I mention mild OCD?) I now have 3702 individual tracks, all properly named, playlisted and linked to cover art! Unfortunately the vinyl is too much to deal with for now, but hey it’s all safely packed away in storage and will live to play another day. The fact that we now have 31.48 GB of formerly inaccessible sounds at our fingertips is more than enough to make this a happy ride!

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